November 9, 2015 SUNA Meeting Minutes

SUNA Board Meeting
November 9, 2015
Present: Pamela Miller, Nancy Meyer, Marsha Shankman, Karen Hyatt, Carolyn Jacobs
Absent: Bill Aspegren, Malcolm Wilson, Rebecca Hanley, Laura Illig, Tim Shinabarger, Kari Parsons
Guests: Connie Van Flandern and Jeff Petry
Treasurer’s report: Marsha reported that after Connie was reimbursed for the Little Free Library expense that we had
$110.48 in the SUNA account. She requested information about the procedure to make tax-deductible donations to SUNA before the end of the year. Carolyn said that she would provide that information at the December board meeting.
Neighborhood livability: Kelly Putnam has been reassigned so she will no longer be providing the valuable services she has in the past. It was discussed that a letter should be written from the SUNA Board thanking Kelly Putnam and stressing how important her work has been for neighborhood livability. Nancy volunteered to draft the letter, which will be sent to Kelly, Pete Kerns, Captain Sam Kankar, and others.
U of O Report: Karen reported that the UO Foundation was the manager of the Hayward Field Renovation. She mentioned her desire to have a website about Hayward Renovation. It was discussed that the SUNA Board and residents would like to have a conversation with the relevant players regarding concerns about noise and light.
Neighborhood Parking Program: Jeff Petry brought up a number of ideas that he has been considering in regard to the neighborhood parking program. One is a parking reinvestment model whereby monies the city earns from parking permits would be partially returned to the neighborhood to enhance livability projects. Jeff also brought maps of the neighborhood that designated Zone H parking and Zone A parking. Zone H parking extends from the south side of 18th to the north side of 19th.  Zone H parking permits are much more expensive ($150/quarter) than Zone A parking permits. There was a discussion about at home business employee parking in the neighborhood. All employee parking has to be onsite and not on the street. There was a discussion about the Olympic Trials, and the issue of parking in the neighborhood. Connie suggested that University Park be opened up as a parking lot during the trials.
Board Vacancies: No action taken because we didn’t have a quorum.
Street Sign Issue: Although SUNA advised the City that street signs/stop signs should have higher posts, problems persist. Street signs that have been replaced are on posts that are too short and vandalism and removal of the signs continues.
Neighborhood Grant Submission: The timeline was too short to submit a grant proposal for SUNA.
University Park: Connie urged the Board and SUNA residents to send input to the City regarding ideas to improve University Park. The City is working on a 10-year park improvement plan, and Connie would like University Park to get some attention.
Interim Protection Measure Status: Carolyn reported that we need to develop a neighborhood plan.
Meeting adjourned.