Local Implementation of Executive Order to Impact Parking

Starting December 31st, Eugene and other large Oregon cities will no longer be able to require on-site parking for new development within a half mile of frequent transit corridors. SUN will be impacted as growing demand for street parking will likely make it harder for residents to park near their homes.

This change stems from a far-reaching and complex governor-mandated order that updates Oregon’s transportation and land use planning guidelines. These regulations are called the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules. Parking changes are the first of the CFEC regulations to take effect.

The map above shows how these parking changes are apt to play out. All areas shaded green will feel the impact. South University Neighborhood lies almost entirely within the scope of this ruling as do large parts of other close-in neighborhoods. (It is notable that while Eugene has moved ahead to implement this ruling, at least thirteen cities including Springfield have appealed the CFEC rules).

Since there has been no public engagement with this topic, you may direct comments and questions to our Ward 3 City Councilor Alan Zelenka, azelenka@eugene-or.gov

For more information on the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities regulations, including parking regulations and Climate Friendly Area Standards, go to the project web page.

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